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Conservative Victories

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Dade is Shutting Down the Woke Agenda in Texas. He passed legislation:
  • Banning the radical teaching of critical race theory in schools

  • Putting a stop to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives at Texas higher education institutions

  • Keeping biological boys out of girls’ sports

  • Protecting children from transgender mutilation surgeries

  • Prohibiting pornographic materials in school books

  • Banning all drag shows in front of children

  • Banning private employers from enforcing COVID-19 vaccine mandates



Dade has done more to secure the border than any other State Representative and Texas Speaker in history. Since being elected to represent Southeast Texas, Dade has voted for roughly $13.4 billion in border security funding. Nearly half of that came under his leadership as Speaker. He passed legislation:
  • Providing a record $6.5 billion investment in border security to finish the wall and fund our troopers

  • Making it a criminal offense to illegally enter the state, which is the strongest border security law in the country and one that Biden is working overtime to shut down

  • Empowering law enforcement to return migrants to where they came from

  • Designating Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations

  • Empowering the U.S. Border Patrol to search, seize and arrest



Dade puts the public safety of Southeast Texans first. He passed legislation:
  • Banning cities from defunding their police

  • Holding rogue District Attorneys accountable by empowering courts to remove them if they pick and choose which laws they enforce

  • Allowing fentanyl deaths to be prosecuted as murder

  • Making homeless camping on public land a class C misdemeanor



Dade is a proven fighter for Texas taxpayers. He passed bills:
  • Providing $18 billion in property tax relief -- the largest state property tax cut in American history

  • Easing the property tax burden on the small businesses of Southeast Texas by establishing an appraisal cap on commercial and non-homesteaded properties

  • Enabling the small businesses of Southeast Texas to keep more of their hard-earned profits by raising the earnings threshold for the state franchise tax

  • Giving Texans a greater voice and increasing accountability by adding elected positions to local appraisal boards

  • Banning a state income tax by enshrining it in the Texas Constitution



Dade is a stalwart defender of the 2nd Amendment. His record includes passing bills:
  • Giving Texans the right to carry without a license AKA “Constitutional Carry”

  • Making Texas a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State to protect Texans from federal overreach



Dade is a Christian first and unapologetically pro-life. Texas is the most pro-life state in America because of legislation Dade passed, including:
  • Banning abortion in the State of Texas following Roe v. Wade’s reversal

  • Banning abortion after 6 weeks, the point at which a baby’s heartbeat is detected (prior to Roe’s reversal)

  • Tackling the maternal mortality crisis by expanding access to pregnancy and childhood services

  • Extending health benefits from 60 days to 12 months for new mothers and their babies



Dade is protecting Texans and our children by standing up to Big Tech. He passed bills:
  • Strengthening privacy protections of Texans by giving them greater control over their data and how much is exposed to Big Tech companies

  • Restricting access to pornographic material among children and holding social media companies accountable for verifying user ages

  • Giving parents more control over their children’s social media activity, requiring parental consent for children to create social media accounts.

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